HomeProject ComponentRestoration of degraded forest areas
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Restoration of degraded forest areas

Degraded forest areas shall be restored through forest operations such as ÔÇÿAssisted Natural RegenerationÔÇÖ (ANR) and Artificial Regeneration (AR). Since most of the forests in the state belong to communities or individuals, such forest operations will be conducted by communities with support from Forest and Environment Department (FED) or the Forest Departments of the Autonomous District Councils (ADC).


Justification and Objective:

More than 90 % of forest areas belong to communities or individuals in the state and such forest area is administered by the ADCs. According to the Garo Hills ADC (Forest) Act 1958, communities can register their community forest as a Village Reserve Forest (VRF) to the ADC. Although the Khasi Hills ADC and Jaintia Hills ADC do not have any specific schemes like VRF in Garo Hills ADC, communities can register their own forests to the ADCs as ÔÇ£Community Forest (CF)ÔÇØ. Communities which have registered their own forests as either VRF or CF to the ADCs will be used as an implementation agency at village level for the implementation of restoration of degraded forests in the Project.

Project Targets:

S.No Afforestation Model Method of Planting Physical Target (Ha) Characteristics of area to be taken up for treatment
1 Restoration of timber resources Aided Natural Regeneration (ANR) with enrichment planting 1,600 Degraded forests where timber trees have been unsystematically removed (all 3 regions)
2 Restoration of Natural Vegetation ANR 7,700 In degraded natural forest areas where rootstocks of useful species are present (all 3 regions)
3 Afforestation in barren land Artificial Regeneration (AR) 5,500 In barren land/grassland (mostly in Khasi Hills but could be found in villages in other regions as well)
4 Restoration of shifting cultivation area ANR 4,450 In Jhum fallow (mostly in Garo Hills, but could be present in villages in other regions as well)
5 Restoration of degraded lands due to quarrying ANR with Mixed Plantation 3,100 In abandoned mine areas (all 3 regions)
6 Improvement of Corridors ANR 150 In villages which are located in any one of the 5 Elephant corridors in Garo Hills
Total     22,500  


Key Activities

  • Constitution of Village Committees and Preparation for Village Micro-plan
  • Registration of VRF/CF and Preparation for Resolutions
  • Restoration of Timber Resources (ANR with Enrichment Planting)
  • Restoration of Natural Vegetation (ANR)
  • Afforestation of Barren Land (AR)
  • Restoration of Shifting Cultivation
  • Restoration of Degraded Lands due to Quarrying
  • Improvement of Corridors



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    1. EMAIL ID

    2. Phone

      0364 3510190
    3. ADDRESS

      Office of the Project Director, Project for Community Based Forest Management & Livelihoods Improvement in Meghalaya, Shalom Building, 2nd Floor, Lower Lachumere, Shillong - 793001 Meghalaya


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